Aims and Scope

This EPIC@X series of workshops aims to bring together the various communities that are relevant to egocentric perception including Computer Vision, Multimedia, HCI and the Visual Sciences and is planned to be held on the major conferences in these fields. EPIC@CVPR2019 will accept abstracts for ongoing or already published work. Both research and application works related to Egocentric Perception, Interaction and Computing are encouraged, including those that can be demonstrated or are in the prototype stages.

Egocentric perception introduces a series of challenging questions for computer vision as motion, real-time responsiveness, and generally uncontrolled interactions in the wild are more frequently required or encountered. Questions such as what to interpret as well as what to ignore, how to efficiently represent egocentric actions, and how captured information can be turned into useful data for guidance or log summaries become central.

Additionally, the three EPIC-Kitchen 2018 challenges will be concluded during the workshop with winners announced in Long Beach.


We also invite submissions that use the recently introduced largest dataset in wearable vision EPIC-KITCHENS 2018

EPIC Community

If you are interested to learn about Egocentric Perception, Interaction and Computing, including future calls for paper, code, datasets and jobs, subscribe to the mailing list:

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